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Logo of Vanpool / This image is derived from a logo uploaded to Wikimedia Commons. / Image credit: Vanpool


  • Company
  • Founded in Tokyo Metropolis, Japan
  • Closed

We don't have an article summary for Vanpool yet.

Company details

Tokyo Metropolis, Japan
Also known as
  • Vanpool, Inc. (official)

Company history

Vanpool announced that the company would be dissolved on 31st May, 2023 in a statement on its website published earlier that month. A machine translation of the Japanese statement read: "We have continued to develop games thanks to everyone's kindness, but due to various circumstances, we have decided to disband. We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude for the patronage we have received from all of you, and apologize for any inconvenience caused." 1


  1. Famiboards (2023, May 31). Vanpool (Dillon/Tingle series, Kirby co-dev) to be dissolved 31 May, 2023. https://famiboards.com/threads/vanpool-dillon-tingle-series-kirby-co-dev-to-be-dissolved-31-may-2023.6460/#post-691929.

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Last updated