Edit this page Astral Chain combat screenshot / Sorry, we don't have accessible text for this image :( / Image credit: PlatinumGames Inc / Nintendo
Astral Chain cover art / Wikipedia's cover art image for Astral Chain. / Image credit: Nintendo/PlatinumGames Inc.

Astral Chain

Astral Chain is an action adventure video game developed by PlatinumGames for the Nintendo Switch and published by Nintendo in 2019.

Screenshots and images

Company and staff credits

Platform comparison

Platform Released Local Interfaces Target FPS Video Sound
1—2 players
Single, co-op
Standard 30 <=900p Stereo

Game details

Release dates
  • 30 August 2019: Worldwide (Switch)


Astral Chain features 2-player local cooperative mode, where player one controls the main character, while the other controls the Legion weapon. 1

Graphics and art design

Astral Chain runs at a dynamic video resolution that fluctuates between 900p and 720p on Nintendo Switch, according to analysis by Digital Foundry. The game targets a frame rate of 30 fps. 2

Sound and music

Astral Chain supports stereo sound on Nintendo Switch. Fans expressed disappointment following the game's launch at its lack of surround sound. 2 3


  1. Astral Chain (n.d.). https://www.nintendo.co.uk/Games/Nintendo-Switch-games/ASTRAL-CHAIN--1513766.html#Gameplay. Nintendo UK. https://www.nintendo.co.uk/Games/Nintendo-Switch-games/ASTRAL-CHAIN--1513766.html.
  2. Linneman, J. (2019, September 1). Astral Chain: the Switch exclusive that pushes Platinum Games in new directions. Eurogamer. https://www.eurogamer.net/digitalfoundry-2019-astral-chain-a-new-direction-for-platinum-games.
  3. Reddit (2019, August 30). Does this game support surround sound?. https://www.reddit.com/r/astralchain/comments/cxifjg/does_this_game_support_surround_sound/.

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Last updated